March is super special for us; it's our Anniversary month. E I G H T.
Yep, eight whole years together. He's pretty much the coolest person ever. My best friend.
I think I know you the best when I'm sleeping.
So I fly into Copenhagen airport in the evening. Get my first shock after spending £5.90 on a latte (!!!) and we head to a cute rustic restaurant. Riz Raz hosts a regular menu, but as we arrived quite late (around 9pm) we had the buffet, which is 100% vegetarian. The staff aren't really clued up about what is vegan, but on a previous trip Mr T had spoken to the chef who had pointed out what items he could eat, so we went on his memory. Really great falafel balls, salads, delicious Caribbean stew with rice, beans and olives, and plenty of quinoa and couscous type salads. A buffet is roughly £8.50 each (remember these are Danish prices, and nothing is really cheap in this country!).
From Copenhagen we drove to Hamburg.

I didn't get to see much of this city, but what I did see I liked! Beautiful huge squats, vegan cafes and a brand new way of eating burritos! We stopped at Jim Burritos:

- and ordered from the separate vegan menu; one tofu burrito, and one seitan burrito.
They are made up the same way that regular tortilla burritos are made, except they are then wrapped in greaseproof paper and grilled under a panini press. This makes the edges cute and crispy, and the filling super hot. The seitan was amazing. We also ordered a bowl of chipotle sauce, which I've never tried before. It has the smoky flavour of bbq sauce, whilst maintaining a fruity tomato flavour, and with a kick of chilli. Yum!

They also sold Fritz- Kola, and Almdudler! Fritz- Kola is an independent cola from Hamburg which I discovered in Berlin. It's wonderful how so many companies and consumers support this cola, and I didn't spot one single Coca Cola product while I was there! Almdudler tastes like an energy drink with a little more flavour, and without the kick of caffeine.

From Jims we drove around the corner to BioKonditorei Eichel; literally a dream. This was a beautiful perfect patisserie, which served organic, gluten free or vegan cakes. Amazing cheesecakes, perfect cream fruit slices, chocolate and coconut bars, biscuits, tablets of chocolate which made my knees weak.

From Hamburg we drove many many miles to Holland and slept at the creepiest hotel/ motel room I've ever seen. Seriously. It was a cross between a family holiday park, and a truckers motel room. Just for one sleep, but still.
Early the next morning we left to drive to Antwerp, where we walked to a square and ate some brilliant pommes frites and watched people live their lives. We walked around the streets of Antwerp and really it was quite nice. Some cool shops but we didn't have time to track down anything remotely vegan. We hopped back into the van and drove to Calais, stopping off at a huge supermarket/ shopping centre by the ferry port, and found some giant candy:

and some quite ridiculous French food:

Seriously, do people really eat this? It looks like plastic!
So really it was just the most wonderful late- Anniversary trip and I really hope that we can organise it more often.
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